
As team we have a wealth of knowledge in traditional forging, coppersmithing, steel fabrication and heritage restoration. We are always happy to discuss small and large commissions.
Case studies:
Waymarkers for Lambourne End Centre for Outdoor Education
Lambourne End Centre for Outdoor Education commissioned us to design and make waymarkers so that users of the centre could easily find their way around the 54 acre site. Each of the signs incorporates decorative elements (leaves, snails and butterflies) that were made in workshops with users of the site including staff and young people with special educational needs.
Manteca restaurant signage
When Manteca, a successful pop up restaurant in the West End of London relocated to a permanent space in Shoreditch we were commissioned by Box 9 and United Creatives to make exterior and interior signage in brass to their designs.
Lantern refurbishment White's, St James Street, London
Our Director Richard Pace is well versed in heritage restoration. In a previous role he was proud to fully refurbish two elaborate 18th Century street-side plinth lanterns, and manufacture two exact replicas for White’s Club in London. The cast-iron lanterns with brass components were originally designed for candles before being converted to gas sometime in the 19th century. They can be seen on St James’s Street, in central London.